Best Vegan Foods To Eat For Healthy Weight Gain

When you follow a vegan dietary plan, you have to make strategic food choices and take only soy-free, gluten-free, dairy-free and plant-based diets. Eliminating animal-based and dairy-free products from your diet can make it more challenging to gain weight.

Well, there is a wide variety of nutritional and delicious This vegan food available that helps you to put on weight easily. This means you don't have to sacrifice your ethics, tastes to gain some extra weight. Listed below are some vegan foods to eat for healthy weight gain:

  • Quinoa: Quinoa is basically a pseudo-grain that is loaded with protein, fibre, carbohydrates and other nutrients that your body requires. It is high in calories, means a cup of cooked quinoa holds around 222 calories, 5 grams of fibre and 8 grams of protein. Quinoa a be considered as one of the best complete plant-based sources of nutrients that help yo gain weight easily.
  • Nuts and Nut Butters: Eating nuts in your diet is the best way to gain weight as nuts are a great source of healthy fats, protein, and calories. A handful of nuts like walnuts, almonds, cashews, and pecans is the excellent choice to support healthy weight gain. Also, you can make nut butter which is high in calories. You can add nut butter in smoothies, snacks and sides.
  • Avocado: Avacado is one of the common This vegan food among health-conscious people due to their deliciousness, creamy texture and mild flavour. A single Avacado contains around 322 calories, 30 grams of total fat and 13.5 grams of fibre. It is also rich in certain micronutrients such as folate, vitamin C, potassium and even pantothenic acid.
  • Olive Oil: As olive oil is rich in healthy monosaturated fats, it has many health-promoting properties. Drizzling it over the cooked veggies and salad dressings can also be a healthy way to add calories to your meal. Apart from weight gain, olive oil is also beneficial in improving blood sugar levels and increasing levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.
  • Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are very popular among vegans due to their stellar nutrient profile, delectable flavour and vibrant colour. A single serving of sweet potatoes can meet your entire day need for vitamin A. They are also rich in potassium, manganese, vitamin C and Vitamin B6.
  • Rice: Rice is a versatile, cost-efficient and calorie-rich carbohydrate that helps you to gain weight gradually. A cup of cooked brown rice contains 216 calories along with 3.5 grams of fibre and 5 grams of protein. It is also a good source of selenium, manganese, magnesium, niacin and a lot more.
  • Smoothies: When it comes to fresh, healthy and delectable vegan food, nothing can beat vegan smoothies. If you are on the weight gain goal, then you can consider adding smoothies in your diet while maximizing the potential health benefits. You can prepare a vegan smoothie with avocados, fresh fruits, coconut oil, almond milk and seeds that support weight gain.


A vegan diet is all about health, compassion and enjoying delicious food. You can easily become successful in achieving your weight gain goals by just being a little mindful of your food choices. Apart from the above-mentioned vegan food options, you can also consider eating legumes, coconut oil, tahini, vegan bacon and so on.

Incorporating these vegan foods into your snacks and meals can promote weight gain and boost your calorie consumption. Being on a vegan diet does not only mean you will lose or gain weight. But it is about making the right food choices into your life to ensure optimal health. Thus, if you are tired of sticking of a calorie-dense dietary plan, then it consuming these vegan foods will help you. You can even find This vegan company, offering plant-based food that will support you to put on weight.