Cooking and Cleaning Tips with Vinegar

Many people enjoy the taste of vinegar, but you do not necessarily need to have vinegar in your food. Vinegar has a lot of uses. You can use it for a lot of things around the house. Here are a few tips and tricks of how you can give your food a nice sour flavour, and how you can get things around your house looking good as new.

Cleaning with Vinegar:


One of the things around the house that gets dirty and dusty quickly is the blinds and curtains. By dissolving vinegar in warm water you can gently wipe down your blinds to take away the greasy feel. Once you have wiped the blinds down then you can go ahead and clean them with the normal products you usually use, to give it a fresher smell.

You can add vinegar to bath water and the lay your curtains in the water. Let the curtains lay and soak for a while in the bath water. This will not only take the grease and heavy stains out your curtains, but it will also keep your curtains strong and looking good as new. When you are done soaking your curtains, you can then go ahead and wash them as you normally would.

Your bathroom can get very dirty very quickly, dirt stains build up very quickly in the bath, toilet, shower and basin. Make a paste with vinegar and bicarbonate of soda then rub it on the area where the dirt has piled up, leave it there for a few minutes. Once it has soaked in you can scrub it with a sponge using warm water, and thereafter just go over it again with your regular cleaning products.

Using Vinegar in Your Meals


A lot of salads taste good with a vinegar sauce over it. One salad that a lot of people always eat is carrot salad, it is quick and easy to make. Soak your carrots in vinegar and add some salt and pepper as well as some chillies, then you have a nice and sour yet fresh salad. You can also make a quick vinegar sauce to pour over your green salad; mix salt, pepper, crushed chillies, cooking oil and vinegar in a bowl. Then you can pour it in a cup and serve it alongside your green salad.

Vinegar can also be used to give your marinade more flavour. You can create your own barbecue marinade using herbs and spices then adding cooking oil and vinegar to the herbs and spices to make a paste. Once it's a paste you can rub it over your meat and let it stand for a few hours, while the flavour pulls through the meat, then you can go ahead and fry your meat and complete your meal.

Get a bottle of vinegar and keep it around the house. You can enjoy it in your food and you can keep it for when you need to clean the house. However you choose to use your vinegar you must enjoy the whole process!